Thanks to everyone who gave me advice... quite a lot of factors go into installing one of these into a CIJ, from drilling to sourcing the components of the correct size i.e. on the cheap !!
When it arrived from the US yesterday I had everything in place just to piece it together. As I work in a large drum store I sourced most parts from the spares room. spring / plunger - cut down drum stick. & foam - chopped up practice pad.
Worked out pretty well, would probably just buy the right parts from the off if I were to do again... but it was a fun project anyways. All in all cost me £13.
Sounds pretty cool too I think... with or without effects... knocks the tuning a little sharp as Fran has also witnessed with his DIY mute, but that all adds to the flavour
Anyways... enough yackin' here's a few crappy in door pics.
i put a mute on a tele once, years ago, i found a spring and fastened a bit of wood to the end, got a mute, some weather stripping and presto.
i should re-assemble that guitar some day.
Good work Owen, it looks awesome.
I remember the mute sounding very synthetic compared to the flesh of the palm, almost metallic. Good for Sonic Youth sounds.
That said, I don't want to deal with fucking with the setup and drilling into it to get one.
Though I've heard heavier guage strings don't get bent sharp by them so easily? Fuck if I know, I've only played around with them in five minute spans, I just like the aesthetic.
You could just remove the bolt from it and have one on there for aesthetic reasons ?
I am using 10's so that perhaps doesn't help much regarding the tuning... although I used to use 11's I will be sticking with 10s, much more mobility with them... nice and chimey too...
Your description sounds about right Fran... seeing your mute equipped CIJ spurred me on to do this, probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.
- Does anyone know of anyone else to have done this ?
with the tele one, it was up farther than normal so it hit sharp, really sharp.
with my avri, it was sharp, but if you put your trem on at the point of where the.....
i can't explain this very well, but i was able to get my mute to work by setting the trem lock so that when both were ingaged it was the same pitch as when neither were engaged, i believe the intonation was effected slightly but not by much.
robert(original) wrote:
i can't explain this very well, but i was able to get my mute to work by setting the trem lock so that when both were ingaged it was the same pitch as when neither were engaged, i believe the intonation was effected slightly but not by much.
...I know what you're talking about, and I've also had that idea.
othomas2 wrote:You could just remove the bolt from it and have one on there for aesthetic reasons ?
I am using 10's so that perhaps doesn't help much regarding the tuning... although I used to use 11's I will be sticking with 10s, much more mobility with them... nice and chimey too...
Your description sounds about right Fran... seeing your mute equipped CIJ spurred me on to do this, probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.
- Does anyone know of anyone else to have done this ?
Yeah, you could fit a Vanity Mute, one screw would hold it secure.
I think someone on JS did the mod as well but its going back a few years.