i have an MG-66, replaced stock pickups with DiMarzio Area. (Area'61 in bridge, 58 in neck position). they sound very similar to stock pickups, or most strat pickups for that matter, but they have more clarity than stock ones, and are noise-cancelling.
do use .010s, and tune to concert, or half-step down sometimes.
i like how the neck pickup sounds, and i like the bridge when there's some amount of distortion - sounds very clear and with distinct notes when crunchy. but when clean it sounds too trebley, and when amp pushed just slightly - it's an ice pick in your ear! i'd describe this as great lack of bass.
that's a nice idea there, Mike. i think i'll try lowering the neck pickup more when i get home, especially on the bass side. then to compensate, i'll turn up bass on the amp... hope this will do the trick!

can't wait!