St. Jimmy wrote:first to reecephod:
dude. i hear you. seriously. we're on the same wavelength here absolutely. i'm not saying color theory is pretentious when applied appropriately. but seriously, twatman mcgee coming and saying dudeguy shouldn't put a pg on his guitar because of color theory is whack. and it comes over as so pretentious it makes me sick. i'd accept "I think it's ugly" before "You're a moron because you're not applying the most important thing ever about color" blah blah blah.
Narco Martenot wrote:I think whether or not one should follow music theory or colour theory are two completely different things.
Putting colour theory aside; maybe look at it as "is this being tastefully done or not?", because you have to draw the line ats ome point. That applies to anything.
It's kind of like "well, I've completely lost my balls and I love Coldplay, I might as well download a Michael W. Smith discography."
But in the end, it's up to the individual whether or not they want a white trash guitar or not.
now to narco:
who in the fuck elected you as judge and executioner of crimes of taste? isn't taste subjective? it obviously is because look at your guitar that looks like someone rubbed an aborted fetus all over it. is that what this about? all the shit you've taken over your guitar, which is honestly the ugliest thing ever posted here that NoHo didn't create? are you trying to lash out?
fuck off dude. seriously.
color theory my taint.
I did not know I had taken any shit over my guitars. Last time I checked, I mostly had a positive reaction towards them.
It's a shame that people get offended by anything, ever.
The author of this topic asked for opinions, and that is what he got -- balls out honesty. I think it's a poor design, and I am not afraid to say it.
And if you are referring to my Jagmaster, then no, NoHo had nothing to do with it. It was made by Squier and modified by myself. As for the Mustang, they made the body and pickguard and the quality of both was perfectly acceptable. I'm not going to get into the quality of their products. I purchased from them not knowing anything about them, and in any case, I received perfectly usable items.