i has new bass.

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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what bass should i get?

Fender Mustang (ri)
Squier Bronco
fuck it just man up and get the Jaguar Bass
Total votes: 22
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Post by endsjustifymeans »

benecol wrote:That's very nice. I want to buy the one that's near me, but a hefty scooter repair bill, common sense and a vengeful wife prevent me from doing so.
I have the EXACT same problem. There's a black one at the local shop. I played it today and almost bought it on the spot, but...

Have to get both the vespa and the Gb ready for spring, have 2 other concurrent guitar projects sucking money out of me by the handful, already have a bass I never touch (full scale though), and my wife's grimace becomes more sever everytime I walk in with a new gig bag.

I want it though... but I'm gonna make myself hold out for the sjmb 3/4.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
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Post by jagular »

The cheap fun bass, The Bronco Bass. Can be handed down to the nephew/son/daughter/niece if not up to scratch.