this house has a pretty decent basement, where i will be building a studio.
i will be using as much free software and DIY components as possible, while still remaining semi professional and being capable of making pretty decent recordings. id like to be able to have other artists/friends make use of the facility as well, free of charge, to kind of spread the good word of free software and maybe inspire some to build their own monsters.
ok, so the point of all this is that i need to get a desktop computer that is 3 things:
1)not very expensive. im not really sure what my price range is but i do know that i dont have any money. i also know that in many cases you get what you pay for, and i am interested in not investing in already obsolete shit.
2)linux compatible. so, basically a windows unit that i can wipe clean and install ubuntu, or maybe another distro if one seems appropriate.
3)powerful enough for my needs. ive been out of the computer scene for a while, not really sure what to expect out of my hardware anymore, or what minimum requirements are considered to be in the computer based production world.
any helpful advice is welcome, regarding computers and studios in general. ive never built a real studio, nor had any place to build one, so this is pretty exciting for me.

thanks guys.