Although, I just had a thought; the pound has dropped badly against the dollar, so will that affect the price these eventually end up at over here? The last batches are easily had on eBay for sub £165 prices with P&P right now, but times were better then. I guess if Danelectro just flood the shops with these as they have done with the last few, then it won't make much difference though.
DivaHurb wrote:the one thing I can say is the tremolo sucked balls.
And like that, my GAS is relieved. Don't want one if the trem's pony.
BobArsecake wrote:I just don't get the Longhorn :s People rave about them but I think it's one of, it not the ugliest guitar design ever.
They are odd looking beasts for sure, I had a black longhorn baritone for a while, and it was OK if you could convince yourself you were in the Munsters house band or something. Sounded ace, and felt nice on.
There are loads of good songs, some pretty dismal ones, but the quality of the good ones definitely outweighs the bollocks ones. Hmm I've just had a look for their Dial-a-Song CD but can't find it, and I'm sure I had it on the iPod :(
Nick wrote:Again, did it have the range of a bigsby or was it more like pushing in the body around the neck on a non-trem guitar for that surfy vibrato sound?
I have 0only played two bigsbys one had a fairly ok range and the other one didnt. the danelectro was worse and way stiffer. I dont even know how you would adjust it or if it would even be possible.