Painted by renowned artist Claus Castenskiold...I'd sand that shit straight off and get it refinished by a pro (comp stripe?) and then fit some white button Klusons.
I would buy it for £500 but If it starts to get bid up I wouldn't bite.
I think the paint is pretty cool, gives off that weird 50's b scifi movie feel with a hint of urban styled eastern island heads. How ever the tuners are a no go, this needs some work.
I actually like the paint job. I'm sure you could lick it and have visions from the dirty hippy artist's dried up LSD infused sweat that's all over that guitar.
The guy that painted it is a reasonably well respected artist, he did a lot of cover art for the Fall in the 80s. If someone here bought it and refinished it i'd be forced to come round their house and burn all their books in retaliation, seeing as it would essentially be cultural vandalism.
yea, it's actually not a bad bit of painting. The Fall is fucking awesome. I wonder what the history of this guitar is actually. who was it painted for?
It would be cool to have a custom painted guitar. I don't know about someone else's custom painted guitar though.