will dew next time i'm home . the total cost with this repair isn't much less than it would be new but i'd rather the money go to the shop (who are almost suspiciously helpful) and you than some random ebay seller.
i asked to open it up in the shop to make sure there wasn't any of that nastiness fran had. hadn't the switch gone through the PCB or something?
and i've just realised in my haste to get a look at the pedal i've bought electric strings rather than acoustic. fuck sakes, i don't play 11s and even if i tried to put these on acoustic they'd be way too thin for open c and the like. i really wanted to get fresh strings on it today, proper annoyed.
wouldn't happen to be in need of any roto reds would yeh? heh.
Thanks man, I'm really glad it's there safe and sound, thanks again for ordering it and I hope you like it, I reckon it'll be cool boosting both an amp or another pedal
Hey Mike, it might be buried somewhere in this thread, but I haven't come across it, so I'll ask. What are your payment options on these bad boys? I'm getting my tax rebate soon, and might be in the market for the Salt Shaker.
Well for international orders it's pretty much paypal only I'm afraid, and you'll have to cover their fees (or add 3% if your account doesn't give you the option to do so automatically). The Salt Shaker Tremolo is £85, plus £5 P&P to the US. The good news is that if you were interested I could sell you mine which is mint and just build myself another one.
Awesome. I'll let you know in the next couple of weeks. I'm just in the process of moving back to Vancouver this week, so I have to see how my funds are doing after that.
Miek, have you ever made a millenium bypass circuit? It's apparently thing where you can make true-bypass using DPDT switch. This looks best/simplest version of the circuit I've seen so far: http://www.guitar-pedals-effects.com/Mi ... ypass.html
Was thinking of using something like this in future, if it works well. Those Alpha dpdt switches feel really nice to use, and are couple quid cheaper than 3pdt stompers.
I liked the Frederic Effects better before they changed from being true true TRU bypass
I've not had a play with it to be honest, but modern ZVex pedals use that for example, even though they use a 3DPT *facepalm* with one of the poles unused. Y'know why? Because chinese slave kids are paid by the wire...
Vincel - £60 + shipping
MXR Distortion II
- Larger case
- Dark Red with Blue LED
- Landscape with Jacks on the Side and DC on the top
- Three knobs in a line across the top.
- Toggle for Diode Lift
- DC power only
Noirie - £30 + shipping
- Caribic Blue
- Bright Blue LED
- Hotcake & Boost in same case
- Orientated like this:
Metallic Green, Dual colour LED for max gain/pot setting.
Don't have Pink LEDs left so possibly Blue and Green or Blue and Yellow for other LEDs?