I think this is the closest I've ever come to buying a brand new guitar on a whim. It's really fantastic quality, and the sound is great- a lower output bridge pickup that isn't icepicky or harsh at all- in fact it's perfect for the sort of music I'm playing at the moment: single note, fiddly, no chords kinda thing. The volume drop on the cap'n'resistor setting reduces the usefulness of this, but it still sounds good. The neck is a generous piece of wood, but not too fat. The 2 tone sunburst looks really classy too.
In fact the only things that stopped me buying it on the spot are the fact that I'm building an Esquire at home (that and a Tele thinline that a nice chap from OSG is painting in return for a lend of me Jag and a percolator) and the price tag- £399 doesn't seem too much, and you can feel the quality, but for a few bob more I'd probably have to get a Baja tele... which has a neck pickup, and fancy new-fangled wiring.