I found this sitting on the curb in the rain yesterday (my wife is horrified that I was "going through the garbage")
It was a combo amp that someone turned into a separate head. I am sure it doesn't work but I've been wanting to build my own bass head. I am thinking of switching the 6L6s to KT88s and making a pseudo Sunn head.
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ekwatts wrote: ↑Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:53 pm
The word "moisty" has made me irrationally angry.
DuoSonicBoy wrote:Why does nobody in milwaukee throw anything cool away????
NinjaMike got a vintage stang, you got a tube head
I got a diningroom chair ONCE
your lucky to have gotten a chair! all i find is a) rocks, who the hell throws away a rock? b) recycleables c) someone looking at me weird for occasionally looking threw the trash, and d) scrap paper/pencils.
I'm going threw plopswagons trash area now.
This is the worst bit about guitar forums. Seeing "Look how lucky I am!" threads, then thinking that there's a slight chance it might happen to you. In reality, nobody ever throws any good stuff away, pawnshops never have vintage finds and old relatives never have nice instruments in their attics. At least, in my reality.
Malik wrote:This is the worst bit about guitar forums. Seeing "Look how lucky I am!" threads, then thinking that there's a slight chance it might happen to you. In reality, nobody ever throws any good stuff away, pawnshops never have vintage finds and old relatives never have nice instruments in their attics. At least, in my reality.
I have found so much great stuff in the trash it's ridiculous. people throw away so much good stuff. you just have to look. it's dangerous though, you start collecting crap. I have numerous stereos I've found in the trash that I never use. the trick to finding good stuff in thrift stores or pawn shops is just going regularly.
"I found it outside in the trash officer, honestly." A likely story. Was this before or after you crowbarred their back door open and crept around their house with a stocking on your head?
Now think about all the stuff that's ended up in landfills when people didn't catch that guitar case peaking out of the garbage. People really do through away alot of stuff in fits. Moms do this a lot, moms are guilty of throwing away great stuff.
I once saw this lady haul out a bunch of milk crates full of records and I asked her if it was trash and she said yes. I looked at the records and it was all guitar records, metal from the 80's all vinyl all in great condition. The kind of stuff you knew a kid had collected and spent his bucks on. She was gonna dump it. I took all the records and gave em to my friend who loves metal. I have found so much cool stuff in the garbage too and some musical gear but nothing too choice and mostly instruments I don't play so I sold them or gave them away.
I've never found anything good in the bin. I remember a few years ago (when I was in first year) we were out, and a guy I lived with seen a French door poking out of a skip. We were on our way back to a party, and he insisted that we took it with us. He lifted it out, and I grabbed one end of it. We were carrying it back when I realised that I really, really don't like the fella. I sat my half on the ground, and he asked me what I was doing and started talking enthusiastically about how good a door it was. I laughed, and kicked one of the panes through, and he suddenly got angry. He was like that, he was a very fat man, mentally. I don't mind fat people (I'm overweight myself) but I can't abide people who are fat mentally, you know, where nothing's ever their fault and they whine and complain about how difficult things are and fidgit and care about material things too much, or at least care that they are getting more than anyone else and take pleasure from the idea that they have got more than they deserved.
Anyway, he went mad at me and was shouting at me and I kept walking towards the party laughing at him. We got to the party and he kept going and ended up starting me, which was hilarious after I explained to everyone why he was starting me.
If it's any consolation, garbage men usually grab anything of value.
Someone I went to high school with found an old Ibanez S-series once. I also got a 1952 EV 611 microphone that was going to get tossed, but it never made it to the bin so it doesn't count.