My son Matt's band At Sunrise just released their mini-album. It's not really what most people round here go for, from what I've gathered, and I don't like orc-style vocals myself, but I like the choons.
So now I've sold you all on it...
Link through this myspace page to download a zip.
Stuff 99% of you will hate
Moderated By: mods
Personally I prefer the high-pitched emo to the growling, but de gustibus and all that. Thanks for the input.Fran wrote:Checked the Myspace, when it started i thought of 'Throwdown', cool, but then the high pitched emo vocal came in on the chorus.
Not my thing but good stuff, its all the rage these days
It's good to hear an unbiassed opinion, thanks.lamp wrote:Sounds well recorded - and totally my kind of music.
Not particularly original, and remeniscent of a lot of bands I listen to, but good for the genre.
Also, the only first name starting with "Matt"I assume your son is a guitarist, as that's the only surname ending in S

Yeah, Matt started the project last year, he put three songs up as demos and asked for guitarists, drummers and vocalists to audition (Craig, the bassist, was his his flatmate in hall, first year). He wrote and recorded all the guitar parts and most of the bass lines, programmed drums for the original demos, Dennis added the vocal lines and lyrics. He's done most of the writing for the later tracks. They've now recorded it all with the completed band line-up.
"Well-recorded" - he submitted his mix of the finished EP as his studio recording coursework. He reckons it got 100% originally, then got moderated down as he can see where they changed a 20% to an 18% and a 35% to a 30%. What's annoying when they do that sort of thing is when you say "what could I have done to improve it?" and they say "I don't know":)