I have a black russian muff that needs new pots and a battery clip and I thought I might do the 'green mod' since I have a box of resistors and capacitors lying around. Has anybody else here done this? I've heard good things about it.
The Russian Big Muffs are dirt cheap anyway, and there are probably at least a trillion of them floating around. I wouldn't much worry about the value.
Go for it, and keep us posted if only for comedy's sake.
I'm going to just add this to the list of things you post about that you'll never do, but whatever. Have fun. There is tons of information online about what the differences in the circuit are, but if you don't know how to solder (and desolder in particular) you will not find this a simple task.
mcconachiea is very "If a tree falls over in a forest and nobody's there to hear it, does it make a sound?", only it's more like "If a boy modifies a guitar, pedal, or something similar and he doesn't take any pictures, is it worth even mentioning?".
Malik, I was ASKING what to do and wether I should do it. And whats the point in a picture? Its just a russian muff. You won't see anything you won't have seen already
mcconnachiea wrote:Malik, I was ASKING what to do and wether I should do it. And whats the point in a picture? Its just a russian muff. You won't see anything you won't have seen already
The only proof of anything you ever talk about is a grainy picture of a Jag-Stang you posted. You've got no videos, photos of your work, no nothing.
Nothing like if you google Big Muff Versions the very first link is this page which contains the schematics for both the Black Big Muff and the Green Big Muff.
It even includes this piece of text, which actually tells you the difference between the two versions
Differences with the green russian are insignificant, just three resistor values. The one that sets the minimum sustain passes from 1k in the green russian to 10k in the black reissue. The 20k resistor in the tonestack is now 22k, and the resistor to ground in the last trannie was 2k and now is 2k7.