There is no shop in England that sells guitar/pedal pots. You have to go online. is the best place in the UK, Banzai, Musikding and Futurlec are good online retailers.
Surely you would know this with all your experience? Only n00bs go to Maplin.
Let's see the pictures. I want you to CONTRIBUTE to the board. Posting pictures will help other people do the same mod, you will have a lasting legacy as a Teacher.
Also tell us what effect the changes had on the Muff.
Hooray, you're so close to contributing.. and yet you haven't highlighted the resistors you've changed with any detail or provided a top down shot so that someone could actually do the modification using these pictures as a guide.
C'mon mcconnachiea, you've been called out. I think you can do this. I'll give it a shot if your instructions and pics are any good. Nothing does wonders for credibility than a meaningful contribution. Seriously, I have issues at the best of times trying to find out how toilet paper works, so my contributions are writing things like "Yeah, that's cool" which ain't worth shit, so if you can do this mod and do it right you never may earn yourself a little respect. Otherwise, it's all shit talk and then you'll have to learn how to use the bog roll in a new way.
Dew it!!
Sketchy fucker update: this pedal has turned up in the Classifieds over at 0ffset, with no mention at all made of the mods, or the non-functioning battery clip.
EDIT: He's also doing a spot of 'people at 0ffset are so easy going compared to'. Trolltastic.
benecol wrote:Sketchy fucker update: this pedal has turned up in the Classifieds over at 0ffset, with no mention at all made of the mods, or the non-functioning battery clip.
EDIT: He's also doing a spot of 'people at 0ffset are so easy going compared to'. Trolltastic.