i remember staring at those in your living room and being like.
who did these? and i even took pics just to show folks around here,
the first one is also my fav.
I actually prefer the first one. Get away from outlines and just try using color to distinguish forms. You have a good color sense. Try to paint the sounds you make with your FX boxes.
Those are quite tasty. I imagine someone would pay a pretty penny to display these in their home or gallery [myself included]. Really amazing pieces, Aen!
in high school my teachers were like that too, so i just did what they asked to get good grades, but i had a secret romance with lines, i just love lines, so much you can do with them,
but then i had another teacher in model class (where you had to draw teh nudes) and he was totally the opposite and felt the same way about the power of lines, like with a couple of lines you could turn a piece of paper into a sculpture and it would be so much more alive and elegant than filled shapes.