So I finally got a new computer and I just got logic and A presonus firepod. I set up some mics and recorded some stuff live. Here's an insturmental I recorded and mixed. Let me know what you like/hate about the mixing. I'm just learning and trying to figure it all out, but It's really fun. I <3 Logic a lot
Sounding good, dude! Just a few thoughts on the mix:
-Dial out some low mids on the kick, give the bass some spaaaace
-More cowbell. I mean, snare.
-A bit of reverb on a drumkit makes a world o' difference
-Lil' more bass guitar
Oh man! Swing Hailey is working on a new CD and its all 100% logic. I love that program. That interface looks great too! SONDZ KOOL. Can't wait to check it out in a couple of weeks!
Logic's "panning" is kinda funky, its more of amplitude regulator for left and right channels. Work more with the Imaging > Directional Mixer Plug-ins for greater panning effects! You can adjust the spead in pretty interesting ways.