So after seeing Mustang Kali, my friend decided he wants me to refinish a guitar for him, he's not picky about the quality of it it he just wants it to look cool.
Which do you think is a better base guitar to start with the Hanna Montanna $50 electric or the Gibson Maestro for like $60, they are both available from Amazon with free shipping.
Last edited by endsjustifymeans on Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
Gavin wrote:Hanna Montana has a cooler body shape, but the Gibson will probably be better quality. I say Hanna Montana.
That was my thinking as well... I should also add, I already have a few extra nice humbuckers that could make the gibson sound beast and an extra push-pull pot so I could make it coil split. But the HM does have a cooler shape...
I'm going to turn this into a poll...
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
Haze wrote:sx? bit more than 50 bucks but you're trippling the quality i would say
plus you get a distinct body shape instead of a toaster/blender combo
Shipping puts even the base level sx over 100. I want to keep it in the 50-60 range. That was my first thought too. Plus those have really decent finishes, I want something that is begging to be sanded off, would seem like a waste to thrash teh fit and finish on an sx.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
if anyone wants a blue burst maestro, i've got one i was going to swap a p90 into. it's nice, just bolt on and has a stratty neck. nice build from what it seems.
i had the chance to buy a black maestro sg jr, and i retardedly said no. dumbshit.
hotrodperlmutter wrote:if anyone wants a blue burst maestro, i've got one i was going to swap a p90 into. it's nice, just bolt on and has a stratty neck. nice build from what it seems.
i had the chance to buy a black maestro sg jr, and i retarded said no. dumbshit.
Dude... how much with ship?
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
it is really a decent guitar. i was planning on putting some grovers and a p90, but then i was like, gah, STRAT NECK WTF. you can get an epiphone bolt on neck for like $20-40 on ebay. dunno if it'd make a difference, but it would probably be wider at the nut.
I love the look of the Hanna Montana guitar, and I thought about it as a base for a project, but I think it's made from plywood. I'd go for something else.