I think that pretty much covers it. except for maybe some obscure options like pushing on the neck or bending behind the nut. pushing on the trem with your hand still counts as using the trem.
i've played hardtail guitars for so long (toronado, 72 tele deluxe ri) that grabbing the trem bar just isnt natural on my jag, so i pretty much leave the trem bar off - even though i like the looks of it
Trems can go up and down on virtually all systems. A well set up floating strat is the sex for me, as is my Jaguars. And I bend with fingers, you need an option for uppy downy trems and finger bends!
Years of trying to play like Joey Santiago has left me virtually unable to hold a note at pitch without putting a slight atonal bend on it. Added to this I'll always grab the trem theatrically either for a touch of shimmer, or a full on seasick dip. So both, I suppose.
benecol wrote:Years of trying to play like Joey Santiago has left me virtually unable to hold a note at pitch without putting a slight atonal bend on it. Added to this I'll always grab the trem theatrically either for a touch of shimmer, or a full on seasick dip. So both, I suppose.
i can't live without the trem on a guitar (that's why my tele now has a bigsby on, since yesterday). i finger-bend, but for those spacey delay-filled feedbacks i need the guitar trem.
i've been looking for my whammy bar for my strat as its the only trem i have aside from the ancient jaguar, but i just can't locate it!
I'm a finger only kind of bendy guy, so i bend up most of the time unless its on the lower strings then i sort of have to bend up unless i want the string to fall off the fretboard
i used to never use trems, but about 5 years ago i set up the trem on my jag-stang and i have been addicted to trems ever since.
my all time fav is definitly the jaguar trem, but i can work with just about anything.
Im pretty much a finger vibrato, big painfull upward bends kinda guy. But Jag/JM trem is creeping into my style. It's still alittle awkward to go grab the arm, it osunds pretty DELIBERATE when i do it. But it's also kind of awkward now when Im holding a note or feeding back or something on my tele and I want to bend it down.
...bend up and down with trem, up and prebend down with fingers....the real question is when you bend with fingers do you bend the string up or pull it down the fretboard???
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