Dang, do like. Especially love the grungey lo-fi sounds towards the end. Top demo dude, we'll have to try it out with my exp pedal when I'm back in t'smoke.
Cheers man, I actually picked one up (M-Audio EXP) to demo with and also for trying out with my own pedal builds, might start adding expression pedal stuff if it's not too hard.
It can either change mod speed or the delay time, it works pretty good but it takes a little set up to get the range correct.
that's awesome. I like it and the silly sounds it makes as well. That's cheaper than the Subdecay Echobox, which is digital (albeit a really nice digital delay). Nice job, mike. Looking forward to the DMM v MB.
Mike wrote: I actually picked one up (M-Audio EXP) to demo with and also for trying out with my own pedal builds, might start adding expression pedal stuff if it's not too hard.
Ahhh, excellent. I'll have to think of something you can make me with an exp pedal parameter with sexy results- I just don't use the PS-5 as a Whammy pedal much anymore.
I've cracked the self oscillation issue, it does fine on it's own power supply (supplied with pedal), probably just the Maplin one isn't 9.6V like it wants, it oscillates great with it's own supply, will show it off with the expression pedal.
Annoyingly, this was he only thing stopping me going for it. Could you possibly set it up so that you have a regular delay sound with the dials, then boot it into self oscillation with the exp? And how much are expression pedals anyhow?
Mike wrote:I've cracked the self oscillation issue, it does fine on it's own power supply (supplied with pedal), probably just the Maplin one isn't 9.6V like it wants, it oscillates great with it's own supply, will show it off with the expression pedal.
Does the supplied adaptor make the repeats any more hifi?
Sounds really nice.... got it's own thing going on compared to the DMM least to me ears and £65... they're mugging themselves there.
with regard the 'Replacement to Boss/Ibanez thing on the electro Harmonix power supply, what is that about? Are all EH 9v pedals supplied with an adapter like that. Last year I got a Holy Grail +, and it came with that power supply and I basically accused the shop selling it to me of selling me the wrong power supply (given that all EH documentation says USE CORRECT SUPPLY')... I assumed this must have been a fuck up by them...