Finnish air guitar contests. It's the answer to the age-old question; "What will a bunch of drunken university students/metalheads come up with after imbibing copious amounts of beer?"
Copious is a word used by people who rate time spent drunk according to the quantity drank and not the lulz had. People who say it also say 'apologise profusely' and should apologise profusely about having copious amounts of twattishness in their conversation.
It's probably different in Finland, so I don't mean to insult you, but that's the situation in England.
Q: Hi, would you consider shipping it to Australia and routing it back to northern Ca? What would the shipping cost be?
A: Great Question. We get a B I G discount using AIR- mail. so the cost to you , well actually we would owe you money.
Look at this GENIUS. Claims to be a cop, but has terrible spelling and gives out his phone number.
Perfect Fender , 20 Year anniversary issue (Squire Strait) Plugged in works great, first one here gets it, Please do not try this
Cashiers Check Crap , Im a Cop and will arrest you on the spot ! call 703-402-6783