I bought my Bugera V55HD 1 week ago and today it seems to have developed a problem with the foot switch. When the foot switch is plugged in, it will randomly make the amp pop, switch off the lead channel and reverb, the foot switch goes dead and then then slowly come back to life with everything as it was before it flipped out. This fault seems to have developed after playing through the amp for a couple of hours today. It seems to behave fine without the foot switch plugged in. Any advice?? Is this just the sign of things to come????
Last edited by Rayjaysonic on Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nope, pedal sat on my board, feet not touching it. Just out of interest Mike, what's the longest you have had yours turned on for??? Just wondering if it's a heat expansion thing????
Yep, given it a good test. Let the amp cool down. Switched back on, started playing all good, 45 minutes in (loving the sounds) , a pop, the lights on the pedal go out and you loose the lead channel and reverb, then it fades back in and the lights come back on the pedal. Once it starts happening it pop's every minute or so and you loose the pedal, lead and reverb. Unplug the footswitch and all is fine. Bugger, bugger bugger. I am going to have to send it back.
probably some wire or shit shorting out in the actual footswitch. since it stops when the switch is removed, i'm think it's not the amp. BUT it could be the actual footswithc JACK in the amp is fucking up. JCM2000's have a similar footswitch problem that's actually with the connection at the amp.
Yeah, not messing with it, back to the shop it goes. I reckon it's got to be the socket on the amp that's the problem. If it was a bad wire in the footswitch itself I guess it would be happening as soon as I turned it on.
My Deville had a very similar issue and it was the soldering for the foot switch jack that went bad. If it's the same issue I'd say you're lucky you're under warranty.
foofoo982 wrote:My Deville had a very similar issue and it was the soldering for the foot switch jack that went bad. If it's the same issue I'd say you're lucky you're under warranty.
Turned out to be the power supply that was causing the issue, so the symptoms would go away after resoldering, then go back. The power supply was also causing other issues though so it wasn't clear what exactly was the source of the issues. But it was the guitar shop in town that initially ignored everything other than that section of the amp. Once I was able to take it to a decent shop it got sorted quickly, but that involved me driving 30 minutes away to find a shop that actually kept a amp tech on hand.