Though truth be told I only snagged it for the pickups. It had a SD Custom Custom at the bridge and a SD '59 in the neck. They were wired in totally wrong so they were putting along in single coil mode. I rewired it to see how they sound beforen taking them out and they're not a dissapointment. It plays shockingly well for an Epiphone too. I noticed that it had been given the relic treatment so I asked the dude why he did it and he said:
" edgy." Then he looked away with a hangdog expression on his mug. Fair play to him, I quite like the mashed in look.
The pups will be going in the HH Jag or my SG, I'll have to try them in both to see what I prefer. He also gave me the stock pups for the guitar so I'll probably pop 'em back in and use it for drunken party jamming or give it to the other halfs lil bro. Y'know, to keep him edgy.