I go for an 11-56 gauge that I get from mixing a set of of Ernie Ball's and Dean Markley's. I use the Markley's to get the lower 56 46 and wound G, while I use the Ernie's for the rest. Works wonders for my Super Sonic.
Ok this is my first post.
I play a jagmaster and I've used 11s since I got it last year and its perfect.
I'm thinkin of going up to either 12s or 11s with a wound G.
But I would say to go with elevens and tighten up the tuners as much as you can.
I did that and I never go out of tune and I'm pretty agressive with my picking arm.
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I got the guitar and it came loaded with Fender Stainless Flats (Jazzmaster/Jaguar). First impressions have been favorable. The strings feel thicker to me and have more pop to them. The D string is .20 (not .22)
I plan to try some Dadarrio .11s that I recently put on my Squier Duo Sonic. The current strings are harder to come by and it would better to use a more conventional string for availability. If it changes the sound too much, I can always go back to these strings or try another brand of flatwound strings. I might record a demo with both and compare the difference too.