this sloppy thing is my current set up...... i spent so much on geetars and pedals that i've run out of $$ for a decent pedal board... tah well
heres some other suff i have lying around my garage
Big muff, Boss Ph-2 Phase Shifter, Ibanez Cf-7 Chorus/Flanger, Line 6 Filter Modeler, Zvex Wah Probe, Digitech Whammy4, Zvex Fuzz Factory, BYOC Vb-2 clone, Boss Ns-2 Noise supressor, Boss dd-6 digital delay

Zvex Wooly Mamoth, Boss Ph-2 Super Phaser, my friends Boss GT-3 (eh)

Digitech bp200 bass modeler, Byoc digital delay, Roland GR-20, DOD supra distortion, Ibanez LF7 Lo-fi, DOD envelope filter, Digitech Jimi Hendrix Experience, Danelecro chicken salad vibrato, Boss Ds-1

My other guiarist's metal muff and small clone
now i just need a decent amp. A crate just doesnt cut it for me anymore.