Alright gals/guys, I've been looking at getting some kinda modulation pedal & I've decided on a Flanger.
At first I was gonna go for a Vintage EH Electric Mistress but then I found out about the Flanger Hoax and was intriged.
I know it must be REALLY hard to dial in a good tone but still, I'd be willing to put in the patience. Do any of you folks have any opinions on the pedal?
I'm gonna be using it with a Vista Jag & a Pro-tone Strat through an old Fender Deluxe 85 (80's SS Amp), if that matters?
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Pens wrote:I'm curious to hear opinions on this too, especially a comparison of it to the Poly-Chorus.
Are the newer Polychorus pedals true bypass? Does the power cord detach? I want one, but really hope EHX will put it in a smaller box, though I love the look of the current models. I don't want to eat up my new pedalboard with such a large pedal if possible.
Anyone know where to get the older style pointy knobs? I like the current knobs, but the older ones have a cool vibe.
I'm not bothered about the Scots taking over, it's more important to me how many English folk there are! We can't let them rule over us again
Anyway, as aen said, I realise this more than 'just' a flanger. There must be SOO many sounds I can get out of it (as shown by your demo aen), if i just take the time to get used to it. I can't wait now!
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Amazingly I am both Scottish and recently bought a Flanger Hoax and it is truly brilliant. Endless amounts of fun can be had with it and you can literally find a new sound everyday for how long I do not know yet.
£69 + £9 P&P, so it's a pretty good deal seeing as how it looks to be in near perfect condition.
Can't WAIT to have a go playing around with it sounds when I get it.
Fingers crossed the posties don't decide to go in a huff & strike again. (Let it be known I entirely I entirely support their strike, unless I'm desperately wanting something posted!)
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