It occurred to me that I could strap about any old goddamn pickup to a pot/cap/pot/switch setup like a Musicmaster and be able to play any acoustic instrument through it. There would be ground and shield to consider like with any permanent pickup in an archtop. Has anyone ever monkeyed with this before? String spacing is the only unknown. But fuck, it's close enough to register something.
I think this means I could tape a pickup to my banjo or mandolin and record it into GarageBand. Hell, I may as well try it. Sorry to be so daft about electronics, but when I came up, people didn't just set about to take shit apart like they do now. 25 years ago I had a mando with this tiny Barcus Berry piece of shit pickup that stuck to the body with some little goober of black adhesive. I don't remember the sound quality, but it seemed lousy back then.
THIS stacked P90 looks like a sweet archtop pup, BTW. $40 BIN. The guy claims he doesn't know if it is vintage or not. Looks like a monster.