odd speaker crackling

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odd speaker crackling

Post by robert(original) »

obviously this sounds like a blown out speaker, but its not.
as some of you know i bought a bassman 10 and it needed loads of work done to it.
all the while the head was beingf worked on i used the speaker cab with my 68 bassman head with no problems when i got the head back i started jamming around on it and noticed it sounded as if one of the speakers was blown, i was suprised becuz i never noticed this before.
i tried plussing it into a carvin 4x12 cab, and then a 2x12 cab and the crackle is still there, but only at higher volumes(anything past about 5)
so i have now determined that the head makes this sound and not the speakers, and before i take it back to indy to get it sorted.
has anyone ever had this sort of problem before? does this make any sense?
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Post by Haze »

my '76 bassman 50 has the same crackle but only after, like you said, about 5 on the master volume
mine could use a re-cap and tube but its still functional. never really bothered me too much since its bedroom levels 80% of the time.

it does have a loose tube socket that causes it to crackle. if i move the tube back in place it stops until it wiggles its way loose.
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Post by robert(original) »

i just had a load of stuff re-capped and what not. i did end up taking it apart, and swapping out some of the tubes with some other tubes and it was still there. i guess i can try the wiggle trick again, but im thinking its something else.(altho im an amp novice so im not sure at all really)