the problem is- he says that according to the sound city vintage site there's a very good chance the power transformer will blow if you switch it on without speakers plugged in, which, naturally, he doesn't have. does this seem likely? basically it's a gamble, i spend £100 on the amp, then maybe another £40 on getting a couple of matched tubes hoping it works... or i spend £100 and the thing asplodes when i turn it on. or i end up having to fork out even more getting caps and other components replaced, etc... there's a voltage switch on the back, and it seems to have a selector switch for the ohmage (8, 16 etc). i have a number for a guy who repairs amps and shit, do i call him and drag him over to have a look at this and risk him charging me money for it? would he even be able to do anything without me going away out to my parents and hauling a 2x12 over here (total pain)?
what should i do? take a chance on it or leave it be (bearing in mind it's christmas and i'm unemployed, and that money could be better spent on fags, booze and raspberry trifles)? and also, would there be any application on earth that i'd need a 120w tube amp for?
here's what they look like (pics from sound city site):