naw that was the 6v6 that blew at doogfest II, i replaced that.
it went BOOM just before last christmas and stopped making sondz. i opened it up and found some fucked resistors.
i could probably fix the resistors but they might be an indicator of a bigger problem so i'd like to have it checked over. problem is there's nowhere near me that would do it at a reasonable price. only one shop that do amp repairs and they're full of cunts and severely overpriced.
BacchusPaul wrote:
Depends. It's a completely different sound, much brighter, and with less headroom (from what I remember).
Groovy. I'll consider it further, I've been looking for something not so muddy as the EVJ. Maybe it'll sound dope hooked up to my cab, too.
Have you thought about doing the bitmo mods to your EVJ? A little bit of effort and a lot less cash will probably get you where you want to be with more versatility.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
I've given it some thought, but I always considered it to be fucking with something that's perfectly mediocre, and with my (lack of) experience I could just end up regretting touching the thing in the first place. You've got a good point, though. I'll look into it more before shelling out for another small amp.
BacchusPaul wrote:The next time I have a bit of money lying around, I'm definitely doing the Bitmo mods. I'd love to go all out, like the guy at this site did: