I bought a Mustang light turqouise pickguard to replace the one on my 69 reissue, and the pickguard doesn't fit. I guess the 65 reissue pickguards can't fit on 69...... uggghhh. But it's fine.
Am I just not putting the pick guard in right? or is the 65 pick guard a little bigger?
I don't know how the two compare, but the 65 pickguards are made to be a bit smaller than a perfect fit to simulate the shrinking over the years. i would have thought that it would fit.
Yarko wrote:I don't know how the two compare, but the 65 pickguards are made to be a bit smaller than a perfect fit to simulate the shrinking over the years. i would have thought that it would fit.
TheBurbz wrote:Just search for 'Dazbootman', he will make whatever you want I think...unless he is the one that you bought from in the first place?
Dazbootman rules. Period. And if you bought it from him and it doesn't fit (unlikely cuz he mainly works with 3 ply black or white) then email him and he'll get you fixed, he's the best guy ever for making sure you're happy with what you got from him, and if I ever need another guard he's the first guy i'll be talking to.