ZVex Inventobox

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Post by thedudes »

dots wrote:scroll back, genius, and you'll see i somehow managed to also give props to the concept but without turning the discussion into a pissing contest of sales figures.

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Post by dots »

cute. now keep the rest of your trolling out of the info threads, thanks.
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Post by Bill Oakley »

That video deserves it's own thread. Loved the footwork on the bass drum beat!

This thread is flying off topic fast.

Bottom line this is a novelty pedal. I personally would never buy one. It's usefulness to me is none. If it was under $100, I could see getting one just to play around with possibly but I already have a breadboard.
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Post by Earth »

thedudes wrote:
Mike wrote:With that coin you could buy your own breadboard, pots, cases and components and get way more DIY pedals completed and done, and learn a great deal more along the way. Plus your pedals would be completed and ready to go whenever you wanted them - not at the mercy of breaking down and rebuilding each time.
That's assuming that you can build pedals, the Inventobox is a halfway house.
That's assuming you know what a bread board is and how to use one! Any noob can put a BYOC pedal together but they cant use bread boards!
Mike wrote:
thedudes wrote:
Mike wrote:With that coin you could buy your own breadboard, pots, cases and components and get way more DIY pedals completed and done, and learn a great deal more along the way. Plus your pedals would be completed and ready to go whenever you wanted them - not at the mercy of breaking down and rebuilding each time.
That's assuming that you can build pedals, the Inventobox is a halfway house. Also although 299 is alot without modules, it's meant to be 399 with 3 modules, so 3 ZVex pedals for 399 = 133 each, that's not bad + you can create new sounds... that said, I won't be buying it.
I don't think the Inventobox can be used successfully by anyone who doesn't know the basics of building pedals. They will make stupid wiring errors and get a non working thing which cost them 400 bucks and a lot of frustration.
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Post by Leisureclub »

I'll admit, I like the idea. I also agree it's a gimmick and probably a waste of money. I worry that it's not near idiot proof enough for 90% of the market though, maybe higher. Almost every guitar player I know IRL(myself included) would screw the thing up bad. It doesn't look like the changes you make are permanent, so that's a plus. It's also got to be a pain in the ass to get close to the sound you want, then take the fucker apart, then move a wire or whatever and then be totally off from where you're wanting to go.

I have an old Korg triton that has a similar idea. You can add some sound modules as you see fit. The difference is that with that keyboard, the modifications are made my simply plugging in a chip, like you would with RAM in a computer. No wires to patch or anything. I think that's probably where zvex is off the mark with this thing.
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Post by pumpkin »

Zachary Vex

Is an arrogant jerk who makes really nice boutique effects in Minesota used by everyone from Trent Reznor to Kevin Shields.


Is a cantankerous argumentative geek who makes really nice boutique effects in his mom's living room played by everyone from Shad to Reece available for about a millionth of the price of a ZVex effect.

You can't really compare the two and (by doing so you've come off a prick) at least not until Mike's pedals take off which I am sure they will at some point. They sound good and are competitively priced.

A better comparison would be you and Mike... and I don't see "thedudes" making any pedals. So maybe you need to STFU.

We all have to start somewhere, Steve Wozniak made computers in his parent's garage.
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Post by ekwatts »

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
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Post by Reece »

this thread has completely lost me.

so uh yeah, how's all them knobs eh? that crazy old zachary vex.
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Post by sp3k »

it actually seems very well thought of, for experimenting, not to use has a pedal. If it cost like 100 euros i would probably buy one. But fo the price he is asking, i think anyone who knows how to work that thing could build something similar for very less money.