i'll knock you up some artwork for an upcoming gig/event for FREE, and supply you with high quality 300dpi A6, A3 and myspace-spam ready files. the only caveat being that if you like the results you'll consider telling your friends, or maybe even bear me in mind for some repeat work (done at a vastly reduced rate from what i'd normally charge... i can also be paid off with gear, booze and any other shiny trinkets you may have).
if anyone wants something done just post in here or send me a PM or whatevs, all i'd need from you would be bog standard details like band names, dates, times, costs, and anything else you specifically want included. i'd reserve the right to choose how it all looks (although i'm open to suggestions, obviously), you'd reserve the right to not use it if you weren't happy. it's not costing you anything, after all.
here's a few samples of stuff i've done for my own gigs over the past few months: