The Donald Duck one looks like it's supposed to be the duck's ass? I guess the Japanese had to highlight the fact that Donald doesn't like to wear pants.
I loved the donald duck one untli I read astro's post and saw the bum feathers. They should have done something more interesting with the control plate, too.
Looking at it now, I don't really like the way the dots are so symmetrical around the bridge, being equidistant from each side. I'd rather have them running at an angle or something.
(this thread has featured two words (silhouette and symmetrical) that I could have spelt without thinking about it five years ago. I'm getting stupider).
I actually really like the mickey and minnie one. Though an early 30's era disney series would've been awesome. A Bob Clampett series would rule harder. MOAR ANIMATION FENDERS PLZ.
Why Telecasters? And why those pussies? Goofy is the only real Fender man. Fuck those other guys. Minnie's all right for being Mickey's beard.
Goofy would be a Jazz bass. Goofy was a hipster pothead--lookit those pants. It would come in comp orange or bright blue with a black pick guard, and a funky yellow hat to protect the headstock.
And Mickey's would look cooler with white robroes on those pickups to match him buttons. Props for the yellow knobs. I want to see those on a Les Paul.
I always thought it was weird that goofy walks and talks while pluto is just a normal dog. it's like the cartoon world doesn't even follow it's own rules. how does a mouse have a pet dog? it doesn't make any damn sense.