Richard, I still have the MIJ CAR Jag you got from the pawn shop for $200
with some work, it became one of my favorite Jags besides the BMM Jag i got from Fran.
purplehaze19x wrote:Richard, I still have the MIJ CAR Jag you got from the pawn shop for $200
with some work, it became one of my favorite Jags besides the BMM Jag i got from Fran.
Sweet. That's still the best deal I've found on a guitar. It wasn't exactly bad even when I had it, I just didn't fix it up because I didn't think Jags would suit me anyway. Did it ever get a refret or is it still on the originals?
purplehaze19x wrote:Richard, I still have the MIJ CAR Jag you got from the pawn shop for $200
with some work, it became one of my favorite Jags besides the BMM Jag i got from Fran.
Sweet. That's still the best deal I've found on a guitar. It wasn't exactly bad even when I had it, I just didn't fix it up because I didn't think Jags would suit me anyway. Did it ever get a refret or is it still on the originals?
Still the original frets, they just leveled and recrowned them. gave it a good setup, and it plays great now.
“I need to take a piece of wood and make it sound like the railroad track, but I also had to make it beautiful and lovable so a person playing it would think of it in terms of his mistress, a bartender, his wife, a good psychiatrist - whatever.� Les Paul