in the tradition (my personal one) of spreading my fat face all over the internet, i figured i'd repost these in a seperate thread because either no one saw them buried at the end of the other, or no one gives a fuck. i'm hoping is the earlier, but the latter wouldn't shock me.
it is my first demo, and i wanted to make something to begin working the kinks out, so i might be able to demo the rest of my shit for you all to see.
from the original thread:
hotrodperlmutter wrote:demo done did. sorry for the retardation, it's in my blood. i didn't even introduce myself, how awesome is that.
there's 3 different sections for the reason that i simply couldn't contain the badassery in one 9 minute clip. i had to fuck it up stretched like deer hide over 3 babbling paleolithic shitstains.
so it's settled then. i'm a horrible performer/director/editor/player, etc., but i'm glad i got something out now. that way if anyone here every agrees to be within a 5 foot radius of me, they'll get some sort of idea of what to expect.
this is mainly just to get a demo under me belt. suggestions on how to improve my awfulocity?
eventually i'd like to mic everything and record separate audio, as there is the obviously clipping.
*** and in the first one when i say "vintage bridge," i'm talking about the trem unit, but am retards.
i got 55 seconds into the second vid and im having severe diahriah pains.
not cuz of the videos. they are actually entertaiing, its from the 3 day old left over chicken i just ate.
gotta run to the bath room. will be back to finish watching. i like the part about mic'ing your guitar rack when you aren't around....never thought of doing that yet. good ideas will be thought out while i am on the thraon poop
y'all are some fucking gents, srsly. i was nervous i'd be perceived as the some other douche i am.
next i'll be doing either my epiphone les paul GOTHIK, or epiphone dot studio. stay tuned.
EDIT: matthew, i forgot you had converted your epiphone from stop tail to a tailpiece! i was just thinking i'd like to do that to mine if i could find one in black!
after i pooped last night i went out to the couch and watched 2/3 of the TAEM CANDUH hockey game before i passed out. sorryz lel.
quality shit. if i was some fucking dumbass watching youtube videos and didn't know what shortscale was before i watched these i would go fucking find out.
why haven't we ever made add's or some shit?
the next time i think im going to puke at a party or something and nate is around, im going to make him tape it and ill yell SHORTSCALE.ORG RULES GO THERE ON THE INTERNE...BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGG