Well, I picked up my new, candly apple red '66 Limited Edition Reissue Jaguar today, after work. Having it set up for 12 was the right way to go. It plays great with them! I gave it a test drive through a Marshall, before I brought it home. Phrases like, "yeah! Now we're talking!" were running through my head. It sounds nice and rude at high gain - very much shades of the japanese Olympic White Jag reissue I had 20 years ago, but without the squeal!!! I forgot the vibrato arm, so I had to go back to the guitar shop after I got home, to pick it up. There was only one (albeit minor) sour note about buying my Jag - no gig bag (much less a hardshell case) was included with the guitar. Geez!! You'd thing that for what these things are typically going for (most online retailers are selling them for $1250), they could at least include a gig bag! Luckily I have an extra Fender gig bag here at home. When I have the cash, I'll buy a Fender hardshell case (my Olympic White Jag had a case included with it!! ). Without further ado, here's Candy (for candy apple red of course) Please excuse the crappy lighting:
And, here's a photo of yours truly, with her new guitar:
I can't wait to give Candy a workout!
Last edited by ellengtrgrl on Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Did you buy your white one new or used? I don't believe any Japanese Fenders were supposed come with a case new. That said, I agree with you. For the price, they should.
Did you buy your white one new or used? I don't believe any Japanese Fenders were supposed come with a case new. That said, I agree with you. For the price, they should.
As far as I know, it was new (it still had the protective plastic on it). I bought it in the Summer of 1990, but it may have been an overstock. The place I bought it from, was not an authorized Fender Dealer.
Noirie. wrote:Niiice but it needs some torty
I have a tortie colored cat (her name is Sugar, and I cuddling her as I write this - she's a senior kitty), but a tortie pickguard on my Jag? Nah, not for me!
Last edited by ellengtrgrl on Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
Very nice. I plan to set my '66 Classic up with .11s once the 9s it came with start to lose tone.
It's a bitch that they don't come with a bag or case... but then only instrument I've purchased that DID was my cheap Godin Exit 22. It's sad that these aren't included on such pricey instruments.
Ugh, you people are MENTAL. Tort is fucking disgusting at the best of times, but on CAR? That's so wrong on so many levels.
That thing looks fantastic as it is. The blocks and binding really make it, I think that should be standard on all Jags. It just looks right on a design that's already so busy.
nice buy! that thing is awsome looking, i played one in hollywood about 8 months back and was un-impressed becuz it reminded me of my cij jags, but im glad you are happy with it.
greenfield wis. eh? what store?
Great looking guitar - jags with blocks and binding are sweet as.
Despite the fact I tend towards a deviant aesthetic with guitars I'm yet to be convinced by tort on CAR. Probably depend on the tort quality and shade. Do like white, Mint and parchment on it for sure. And black. And green pearloid.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
cur wrote:That guitar is dirty hot you should cal it Candy with an "i" ...... Candi.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. Okee Doke, Candi it is!!
robert(original) wrote:nice buy! that thing is awsome looking, i played one in hollywood about 8 months back and was un-impressed becuz it reminded me of my cij jags, but im glad you are happy with it.
greenfield wis. eh? what store?
Cream City Music (the brick and mortar side of Warp Drive Music) in Brookfield, WI. I only live about 5 or 6 miles from the place (I live in western Greenfield). I was lucky to even find a Jag to try out. Nobody else had any Jags around here (not Cascio/Interstate Music, and certainly not GC [who as usual for Fender, just had tons of Strats and some Teles]). Cream City also had a Daphne Blue Mustang, that I tried out for the fun of it (the body was too small for my tastes). It sounded pretty cool. Where are you located?
Last edited by ellengtrgrl on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
i love candy apple red with a white pg on a jag with blocks etc, in my high school band the guitarist had an 80's japanese jag that looked exactly like this but with matching headstock. sure it didn't sound half as good as this one+*
I'm not a huge fan of blocks and binding on Jazzmasters, but Jaguars are another story. I wish that I got along better with short scale guitars, I want a block and binding Jaguar something fierce.