Josh wrote:shit i'd of given you my peavey for you silvertone....
I traded the Silvertone in at my friends store (Link) .Maybe he will trade it for your Peavey.
the reason I got it this amp is that it has 2 transistor preamp each a with different voicing(Bright and Normal) when you crank them they sound like vintage fuzz and if you run them together in's like instant Dinosaur Jr! I can't do that with my Silvertone.
peavey is always fucking about with their footswitches. my xxx uses a 13 pin din connector (like midi), and it took me for fucking ever to track down the right footswitch (mine didn't come with one - MF "B" Stock floor model). but hey, for $100, how could i go wrong?
in somehow related news: i got an 80's peavey microbass from my friend i had loaned it to, and the thing sounds fucking amazing. it's solid state, with a 10" speaker, but i can't believe the clarity. i am going to have to demo. if some piece of shit silverline peavey can sound this good, i can't wait to hear what WTR's new one sounds like.