Black Cat Bone wrote:Oh man you guys are amberswitchtipping.
nah, but these are robroes see? =)
sorry, I guess you'll have to bear with me for little while. I just got this guitar so I'm kinda digging up a lot of jazzmaster stuff. honestly, I'm way late in the game, jazzmasters are kinda played out at this point. I don't think they carry that much cool points anymore. doesn't bother me too much though, I've always liked them and they're exactly the sound I've always wanted.
Black Cat Bone wrote:Oh man you guys are amberswitchtipping.
nah, but these are robroes see? =)
sorry, I guess you'll have to bear with me for little while. I just got this guitar so I'm kinda digging up a lot of jazzmaster stuff. honestly, I'm way late in the game, jazzmasters are kinda played out at this point. I don't think they carry that much cool points anymore. doesn't bother me too much though, I've always liked them and they're exactly the sound I've always wanted.
Dude Jazzies are TEH cool but just not my cuppa tea. I need shortscale A-width mojo. small hands yo
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
I remember wondering about these a few years ago and photoshopping some images. I noticed these the other day when browsing the list of places to buy parts at Offset and I have a project in mind for them. I might get my photoshopping hat on and see what I can come up with.
I was curious as to what they'd actually look like on a full guitar, so I did a quick GIMPing of what a nice-looking Jazzmaster would look like with these on. I thought I'd like it, but I am not sure I do. Maybe a different color combo or cream switches would do the trick.
It looks stupid as intended. The only use I could find for these is sticking a non-jazzmaster pickup under one of these blanks. For that they might be useful, good link.
Aye, these would have been useful when i had a Duncan bucker in my Jazzy. Imo these kind of covers looked best on the Fender Performer due to the off square shape and they complimented the almost sci-fi aesthetics of the guitar.