Put this together. Don't bother with a sustainer. It's not any better than an ebow, and twice the price, un installed. I might record with it, we'll see.
The guitar itself plays really well, its the best fucking setup ive ever done!
There's some interesting DIY sustainers being built out there Mainly in a massive thread at Project Guitar. With schematics and that. I'd like one in my telesitar project as an ebow wouldn't be practical for how I want it to work....will take crack at a diy sus one day.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
aen did do a FANTASTIC job setting this beast up, and actually when i was messing around with the sustainer unit, i found it rather dull and un-apealing.
kinda like a one trick pony, the harmonic mode was fun, for about 2 mins, and then it became annoying. seems like it should do MOAR, but it doesn't, perhaps some more tinkering and messing about will prove usefull.
Here's the MASSIVE sustainer thread I was talking about (kinda skip to the end to see where people are at with their designs - there are other threads that have distilled the few variants into basic 'how-to' if you search around.