currently trying to build my own silicon fuzz. however, the only sound i am gettting out of it is a spluttering as though it is gated. is this down to a fucked transistor?
Are they in the right order? One should be the 'hot' (forgot the correct terminology its been 4 years since i built Fuzz pedals) or the three legs could be in the wrong order. I had this problem but like i said it was a long time ago.
chisa wrote:currently trying to build my own silicon fuzz. however, the only sound i am gettting out of it is a spluttering as though it is gated. is this down to a fucked transistor?
Not necessarily. My son built a silicon fuzz face and that's exactly what happened. I put the 1K gain pot the other side of the bypass capacitor and used a 2K2 in the second transistor emitter instead. Works great now. What circuit are you using?
checked the soldering. have had it kinda working but got a load of RF noise with guitar vol at min. there does seem to be a problem at the gain pot though i am unsure what it is. i have rigged it with a 3pdt switch with an led and works fine on bypass and led working correctly so the circuit is getting power.
Just try disconnecting the 1K pot connection to ground (1K-1) and putting a 2K2 resistor from the emitter (e.g. hole next to 1K-3) to GND. I'm pretty sure that's the value I used.
NickS wrote:Just try disconnecting the 1K pot connection to ground (1K-1) and putting a 2K2 resistor from the emitter (e.g. hole next to 1K-3) to GND. I'm pretty sure that's the value I used.