Guitar paint in the UK?

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Guitar paint in the UK?

Post by Rhysyrhys »

I have a HVLP compressor spray gun and an old squier tele to do up and make usuable. The dang'd problem is that I'm having troubles finding the right sort of paint in tin or bottle form, I don't need aerosols; the spray guy is the nuts. Looking for either Nitro or Poly. And wood dyes too, if anyone knows about that.

Also I'm not sure if I can use american sites, they don't seem to want to ship outside the US. Can anyone confirm this? Is it a law thing?
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Post by Addam »

Tonetech sell nitro suitable for spray guns. There's a couple of sellers on ebay too.

Just looked at tonetech's website, i can only find spray cans.

Found this on ebay. ... 2305dbe0ff
Last edited by Addam on Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by benecol »

Pretty sure Hurb and others have used this cove.
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Post by Dave »

benecol wrote:Pretty sure Hurb and others have used this cove.
I have and the cans work very nicely - as always there's a shit load of preparation that can make or break a finish but its not hard as such - just a bit labour intensive and if you don't get a decent spray booth you wil be fighting against bits in your finish.

Also be aware that one can is enough providing that you are not going to be super anal about wet sanding the colour coat before the clear I did. Assuming you get away with one can of colour and one of clear that 35 quid. Too be honest if you are going to properly wet sand down the clear one will not be enough.... sandthroughs happen very easily although I expect expeience and practice will help avoid this

Basicly do it for the love and experience of it because its gioing to cost ya!

If I get chance this weekend I'll update what I've been up to with my projects and you acn seehow I went about it.
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