glitchathon wrote:The '66 vintage bridge it came with looks to be totally original (missing one mounting screw but I can pick one up no problem).
I've had to replace that screw before as well and the screw is the same as an american strat height adjustment screw. the tele screws that are used with the brass saddles will not work. and import fenders use metric threaded screws so they won't work either.
cool thanks. good to know!
I measured the screw and it looks like a 6-32 1" flathead screw. I can pick one of these up locally probably and threads should match.
glitchathon wrote:The '66 vintage bridge it came with looks to be totally original (missing one mounting screw but I can pick one up no problem).
I've had to replace that screw before as well and the screw is the same as an american strat height adjustment screw. the tele screws that are used with the brass saddles will not work. and import fenders use metric threaded screws so they won't work either.
cool thanks. good to know!
I measured the screw and it looks like a 6-32 1" flathead screw. I can pick one of these up locally probably and threads should match.
are you guys talking about the same kind of screw?
ah that makes sense. hehe, i was a bit confused and thought you might be talking about the two mounting screws of a Strat but then that is not right either now that i've taken a closer look. I am pretty sure it is a standard 1" 6-32 screw though. I will doublecheck when i get a chance.
doing some measurements, I think a 24.75" warmoth conversion neck will work with no problem. I am probably going to do this and change out the pickups to SD antiquities or Novaks. This guitar could be pretty awesome once I am done!
Just wanted to update a bit on this MIM Duo Sonic.
Spent all day on it. Swapped the pickups out for my old 90's American Standard Strat pickups. The strat pickups are much nicer tone and lower output than the Duo Sonic MIM pickups. The Duo sounded pretty trashy actually, and now I can get a nice sparkling Fender clean sound. I will likely leave them in there.
I also disconnected the tone knob to give it just a little more treble which improved it for my tastes.
A huge change I did was to put on some Flatwound (D'addario Chrome 12's) on these. The last time I tried Flats was on an Epiphone SG (Fender flat 13's) and did not like it. However, I quite like these D'addario's on the Duo. The first thing I noticed was that a low gain setting on a Rat distortion pedal sounds fantastic on flats. I cannot get nearly as nice of a range of tones on the roundwounds with varying pick attack as I can on the flats. This was a very welcome discovery and I am glad to have a chance to have a guitar permanently strung up with flats.
Fixed intonation substantially. This was a bitch with the 3-saddle bridge. Had to angle the saddles and optimize it so they don't run into each other. So you pretty much have to take into account all 3 saddles (and all 6 strings) when coming up with a way to angle the saddles. This means that you can't just set it by screw length.. you have to tweak it EVERYTIME you put on new strings. Not thrilled about this. But once set up, intonation is acceptable.
Neck is still too small. But now that the pickups are better, and I found a great gauge/type string for it, I think the guitar is worthy of a neck upgrade in the future. Possibly a 24.75" conversion neck.