We have had whats your favorite (blank) pedal? threads. But if you had to pick one to have off of your board to keep and all the rest were destroyed which would you pick?
So out of the ones you have now, if you had to pick one which one would it be. My drummer asked me this question a while ago and I honestly had such a hard time choosing.
out of all these, I might have to go with my creamy dreamer big muff. It only does one sound but that one sound it so great I couldn't live without it.
Mike wrote:Welcome to like 2005, you bleeding idiot.
Not sure. Currently with the Jet City amp I can get pretty good OD and distortion out of it so it would probably be some sort of modulation. So if only 1 choice then it would be a delay I think.
They say great minds think alike....Sometimes we do too...
It'd have to be a nice analog delay like a Memory Man or something. I could do without overdrive or distortion and my amp is only a single channel. Most of the things I've been playing with the band don't have any dirt and are more delay based cleans.
Forget the tuner! If someone else has one then tune to them. If youre playing alone than who cares!
I can happily play direct to my amp since it has Clean and Crunch sounds I love, but if I didn't have a dirt channel I liked I would probably go for an overdrive pedal like the DLS or the OCD, depending on which one got on with the amp I was using better.
Since I can't say"M13 LOL" because, frankly, I'm better than that, I'm going to nominate whatever my fuzz-du-jour is. And lately, that's my Tonebender; it can do the sizzling fuzzes that you'd expect with aplomb, but what consistently suprises me about it is the amount of bass it pushes out. I keep finding whales beached on my drive etc.
Haze wrote:opinions change! i know i wouldn't have the same answer six months ago and i'm sure i won't six months from now
fair enough point. My opinion changes a bit and then it's something that I've sold that I wish I'd kept.
For me it a toss up between my DLS or the tubescreamer. The DLS is the go to box I can pair with anything and know it'll sound great. The tubescreamer works really well with my amp, the mid range hump helps the amp in my case, as my amp lacks a lot of mids. Close call for me to choose between the two.
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
My Strobostomp seems like the obvious choice... tuning is pretty damn important. But, at the same time, I went 12+ years without a tuner pedal, and my basses stay in tune pretty solidly.
With that in mind, I suppose the one pedal I'd want to keep (of the ones I actually own) would be my DP-1 for dirt. Really, it's the only pedal I use much. The others I play around with, but never gig with.