ehh, what's going on here; weird amp noise.
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ehh, what's going on here; weird amp noise.
dudes my silvertone 1482 is making all kinds of weird "chhhht chhhht" noise whenever I try to play something. I tried cleaning the tube contacts (I used alcohol and a q-tip) and I tried switching around the pairs of tubes. no luck with that. But I have recently discovered something weird.... it only makes the noise when I stand up. wtf???????????? if I crouch down or sit on the floor it plays fine.
the tubes are the OG silvertone tubes and are at least 40 years old. before I discovered the sitting/standing thing I went ahead and ordered some JJ replacements so we'll see how that goes.
the tubes are the OG silvertone tubes and are at least 40 years old. before I discovered the sitting/standing thing I went ahead and ordered some JJ replacements so we'll see how that goes.
cogito ergo sum...thing or other...
yeah, I was thinking something like interference as well. but now you've put me onto this jack idea. the weird thing is its not just when I move or something, it's only when I play the guitar.
ok, I just tried it out with all my guitars. ibanez no problem. mustang only sometime when playing low notes. musicmaster and jazzmaster are fucked. it may really be wonky jacks on those guitars. but what is happening with the jack for it to make the sound only when playing?
like when I strum instead being like "brunng!" it's like "br*CHHHT*ng".
ok, I just tried it out with all my guitars. ibanez no problem. mustang only sometime when playing low notes. musicmaster and jazzmaster are fucked. it may really be wonky jacks on those guitars. but what is happening with the jack for it to make the sound only when playing?
like when I strum instead being like "brunng!" it's like "br*CHHHT*ng".
cogito ergo sum...thing or other...
ok, the noise has pretty much gone away now, I'm not entirely sure why. I think it might have been a combination of things. when I turn the amp all the way up it still does it when I play quietly. but I usually only have it at like 9 o'clock so that's not really a big deal. I put some tape inside the JM around the jack in case the plug was accidentally hitting the shielding. not sure if this did anything but I really can't get the amp to make the sounds anymore. maybe it was interference from something that was running somewhere else in the building, and whoever has turned it off now. I really have no fucking clue.
...I did get the new tubes though. These JJ 6V6S's are fantastic. People say they sound more like 6L6's. I'm not that familiar with 6L6's but I can say it just sounds like a more Hi-Fi tube. Less distortion and much brighter. I love love love them. whole new amp.
Also, a weird thing about this amp that was never that useful before because of how dark it was, if you plug into the Hi channel and turn it all the way down and then turn the Lo channel all the way up, you get this super thin sounding tone that you can then shape dramatically with the tone knobs on each channel. You can get a huge range of cool lo-fi sounds like this, it's awesome.
...I did get the new tubes though. These JJ 6V6S's are fantastic. People say they sound more like 6L6's. I'm not that familiar with 6L6's but I can say it just sounds like a more Hi-Fi tube. Less distortion and much brighter. I love love love them. whole new amp.
Also, a weird thing about this amp that was never that useful before because of how dark it was, if you plug into the Hi channel and turn it all the way down and then turn the Lo channel all the way up, you get this super thin sounding tone that you can then shape dramatically with the tone knobs on each channel. You can get a huge range of cool lo-fi sounds like this, it's awesome.
cogito ergo sum...thing or other...