spent ages dicking about with different value caps and transistors. finally settled on this. has an internal bias pot for Q2 but i was thinking about sticking it external for splutter sounds
Bill Oakley wrote:Very nice sounding. Did you start off with a silicon Fuzz Face and just start tweaking?
yeah, started as si fuzz face, but needed a 10k (i am guessin at the mo, i'll put up exactly what i did in a bit) resistor before the input cap to stop RF noise, smaller caps than usual, a cap between the collector of each transistor reducing the general noisage, and used a 2n2222a low gain for q2 and a bc108 for q1. i'll pop a schematic up tomorrow. and trim pot inside, 3pdt and led. and some other stuff that i cant remember at the mo.
http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main. ... ewsIndex=1
but with a 10k resistor before C1, a 10k trimmer instead of R3, a 100pf cap between the collectors of q1 and q2, bc108 q1 and 2n2222a as q2 and wired for a 3pdt. and i wired it PTP on a perfboard rather than vero