i'm pretty minimalist these days when it comes to upgrades because i know my tastes change, so i'll go back to OG configurations quite often. that said, here's a list of what i've done to shortscales in the past:
schaller strap locks - gotta have 'em. some folks don't like the look, but i both don't notice nor care until i get close up to a guitar that has strap locks. and when i do, my reaction is always "NOW THAT'S A SMART MUSICIAN."
'97 jag-stang
- sperzel locking tuners - i'd never get these again, mainly because i've found the slotted machines to get the job done well enough to make locking tuners superfluous for the most part. if i did ever want to employ locking tuners again, i'd go schaller like what came on my old ad fat strat. they were more comfortable to use as the sperzels dig into your fingers.
- lil screamin demon in neck position - did this when i was anti single coil pickups. . . wouldn't do it again.
- jb in bridge position - i stand behind this upgrade. never got on with the stock jag-stang humbucker, and (as fran pointed out in another thread) replacing pickups is pretty common cij/mij instruments. . . a point worth repeating. the jb was a good, moderate output option with tons of expressiveness built-in.
'69 ri lpb competition mustang (2003)
lil screamin demon in bridge - when i was gigging the jag-stang a lot, this guitar was the backup. and there was even a point when i was using it as the main selection with the jag-stang as the backup. really wish i didn't need to sell it a few years ago for the cash since you cannot find them very easily (nor the un-modded deluxe toronado i sold at the same time for the same reason).
'62 avri jaguar (2005 model)
- lil jb in bridge position w/ push pull coil splitting - allowed me to get more of teh kurdtz tonez w/o routing or cutting the pickguard. as much i liked the sounds, i decided eventually it was better to employ something like this on a jag-stang or other already-humbucker-equipped instrument. the stock pickup is back in it. <3
- tom bridge - BIGGEST. MISTAKE. EVER. fucking thing never intonated right, and all the problems associated with jags remained. plus, the motherfucker who did the "upgrade" for me pulled out and threw away the bushings, chipped the paint around them, and drilled the holes out deeper to accommodate the tom posts. as a result (and after restoring this back to the stock bridge), i always tell my horror story to n00bz to dissuade them from making the same error. YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THIS. A STOCK BRIDGE CAN BE SETUP FINE. SAVE YOUR MONEYS.
- removed the mute - not a true mod as it is just a measure of removing extra hardware i don't need that just exists as a potentially rattling element. i know how to palm mute just fine, thx. bridge cover, though? that stays on, baby. looks CLASSY.
jaguar hh special (2006, 2009)
gfs dream 90 in bridge & mean 90 in neck - i don't own two of these guitars. the first was stolen (along with my jag-stang) last year, and the kind folks at shortscale.org saw fit to chip in and buy me a replacement when they were being blown out at $300 on musiciansfriend last year. eternally grateful!!! and the upgrade is something i recommend all owners of this guitar consider. if you really like the dragsters, okay, stop reading. but if you are on the fence at all, this is worth the $60 and 1 hour of your time. you'll end up with something with definition, clarity, and versatility in both clean and overdriven settings. in my opinion, the stock pickups don't compare.
classic vibe duo-sonic (2009)
lil screamin demon the bridge position - courtesy of mickie's attempt to get these at the r-word price of $99 for everybody who wanted one of these guitars when an online retailer had them on sale as a loss-leader one day. my wife got one for me, and i proceeded to immediately swap out the bridge pickup because i'd had the duncan one sitting around since abandoning a bronco build project (moneys, hassle, etc). this guitar is now my living room guitar. it sits on a stand in the corner so i pick it up often to strum and noodle while i'm on the couch. it's fun and plays great!