i'm speaking particularly about the high pitched bit. sounds like 'decimated'; almost trash-can fuzzish.
anyone can shed any light on it? sounds like a fuzzed out bass with a fuzz guitar over it. i can't help but think there's some kinda ring-mod-y thang happnin.
when he does it live through his two amps, it's just fuzzy and the high stuff comes from playing the low strings open and some chords up around the 15th fret on the higher strings.
i'm 90% sure he runs a big muff through both amps but chorus through just one.
sounds like it's all on the same instrument the high and lows but seems like the highs have chorus the lows don't yeah ? i don't really know this band so i don't know what they use for fx and amps and all.
I saw them once, and the dude played with a bunch of huge Traynor tube amps and had a very thick sound. His playing revolved around a lot of drop-d chords with all kinds of chord fuckery. Also, just strumming really fast and playing things from the twelfth fret onward, strumming every string, letting the harmonics ring.
Yeah, looks like it's just all in the notes used. The "recorded" version sounds like it has both clean and fuzzy overdubs so you get this slightly odd combination of tones, spesh with the higher notes.
From reading this thread I've since got their album and am going to see them in Oxford on May 19th - it's a teeny tiny pub so I may be able to sneak a peek.