Hello there. I'm trying to get my Dano baritone ready to sell. The neck pickup went unfeasibly quiet a few months ago: we've taken the switch out of the circuit and gone straight to the jack, but the neck pickup is still way quieter than the neck (like about a quarter of the volume) - a pickup it used to be pretty well balanced with. Anyone help?
If you have a multimeter handy, perhaps you can give a quick measure of the individual resistance of both the neck and bridge pickups. I would tend to agree with everyone else that something has gone amiss with the winding, but this would absolutely confirm it.
stewart wrote:be better off spending £20 on a new pickup than getting it rewound, no? or no?
Possibly. Rewinding the pickup shouldn't be very expensive though.
Looks like I can get one of these pickups for $35US plus shipping so maybe buying a new one might be a better option although rewinding it should be right around that price also.
If you're just going to sell it then that's probably the best course of action. Otherwise, I would heartily recommend the Bare Knuckle rewind service...