Gretsch Electromatic Junior Jet short scale bass...

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Gretsch Electromatic Junior Jet short scale bass...

Post by avj »

I searched around a bit but didn't really find anything useful, so does anyone have any experience with one of these guys?

Gretsch Electromatic Junior Jet Bass Guitar


I currently have a ca. '97 Squier Precision that a friend wants to buy to make into fretless, so I'm looking at getting something to replace it. I'm perfectly comfortable playing a full-scale bass, but the idea of a short scale bass is intriguing. I'm going to head to a few local shops today and see if they have any of these on hand, and to also try out as many of the newer Squier basses as I can; many of them look incredible.
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Post by the isaac eaton »

these basses have always interested me, bass mini hums I like a lot. The ones that they put in the sg basses are fantastic, I imagine this would be some what similar to that. Electromatic gretsch guitars are very good solid instruments, I think that the basses would be similar. In the long run though a squire bass would probably be a bit higher quality, the classic vibe stuff is top notch.
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Post by suede »

I own one...It is very comfortable, and sounds great...I use it play "peter hook" type bass-lines, or you can even play chords...
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Post by avj »

Thanks for the input, fellows.

I only had a chance to stop at one local shop, and they didn't have any of these. I did, however, get a chance to play a Squier Bronco Bass. I definitely dig the short scale feel, but the strings were extra flabby -- which I imagine can be cured with a beefier set of cables.

It was nice to just have a feel, as I've never played a short scale bass; it was amazingly comfortable and incredibly easy to play. I can't imagine being able to do any crazy slapping and popping on a short scale, but the alt-country side project I'll be using it with won't really feature any funky breakdowns.

Getting back on track, I hope to find a shop that has one of these Gretsch Junior Jets on hand to play. Now that I have a feel for the 30" scale, I think I'll really enjoy the Gretsch. I definitely dig the look.
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Post by Rox »

I so wanted one of these to be my first bass . Went to my local guitar shop , played it , went " Meh... " And went home . 4 times . Shape is cool , neck is decent , hardware is decent , but the pickup and fit and finish just ruined it for me . Crooked screws , the hum , the weakness in the fake Filtertron , etc. However the feel and play was okay . If Gretsch took it more seriously and threw in a real Filtertron , better electrics and tightened it up even if they had to sell it for 3-400$ I would of jumped on it like Kim Gordon .
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Post by avj »

Yeah, I ultimately opted for a Jaguar bass after playing a whole bunch of basses. I'm in the process of making a thread about it now, even though it seems to reviled around these parts.
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Post by Rox »

Missed the memo . My bad. :lol: