This is a project we put together to earn some cutter around the boozers and clubs whilst trying to choose tasteful covers of songs/bands we like that other people should know.
Give it a listen PLZ, this is the product of 15 rehearsals and a live 4-track demo. I have'nt completed the site yet, need some better photos etc..
Also, if anyone still uses please add us because we dont have many friends being disillusioned drunkards
Cheers Gav.
Adored is a cunt to play as a whole band, people may not think it but its really awkward. Some of the early Stone Roses versions of it is way worse than ours
In hindsight i should have boosted certain guitar parts and will do live.
All the playing sounds decent (although drummer sounds a bit excitable), but it's painfully obvious it's a slightly cheezy electric drumkit. I'd definitely bring the drums up in the mix if you've still got access to the individual tracks, it'll put some balls back into proceedings I feel.
I've considered doing the cover band thing over the summer for the moneeeez too, but factoring in rehearsal studio rentals makes it barely worth it for me in the short run. Best of luck with it, Franster!
Thanks Doog. We recorded other tracks but the drummer cant get any 'bounce' from that electric kit and he self admittedly said his playing did'nt sound great. We are restricted with gear due to where we rehearse, which is a reflection on finances (i know how you feel). But i think generally speaking the songs are presentable to Joe Public, personally i could tear my own playing up with criticism but it sits okay in the whole mix i think.
We are aiming to exploit the World Cup, playing gigs after televised matches. Hence the main selection of songs is English/Britishlol Classics. There is definitely a market there and we should earn a few shillings .