i decided i wasn't gonna be able to damp my studio properly quickly and cheaply so i just put a load of carpet behind some shelves behind the kit and live area. it's done the job - our ears don't hurt so much after every practice. dunno what it'll be like for recording the band cos we've only done overdubs of guitar, bass and vocals and they all sound fine, but full band stuff may or may not sound ok.
here's a pic from near the desk towards the band end....
and here's a pic standing on the drum stool facing the exit and where we record vocals....
believ it or not it was all in my house up until recently (we didn't practice in that room though - it was used as a recording studio control room, gear storage room and a room in which i played drums badly just for fun). it's now in a rented room in an old factory. the room is big, but a bit narrow for my liking. it costs twice as much as we used to pay eahc month for practices. we got it cos another band we know were gonna share the rent with us and practice there too rather than renting a room in a practice studio per hour like we did. it would have worked out great if they had done that, but they ended up changing their minds and deciding to stay where they were, so now we're looking for other bands to practice there to help us pay the rent - we've got a couple interested so it may work out ok.
Looks to be a nice setup. I'm a big fan of recording in spaces that aren't mathematically and acoustically perfect -- spaces that have a little character to them. How does it sound there?
Mainly used it for practices so far. It sounded very very bright. I moved the furniture rounnd and put the carpet behind the kit/shelves a few weeks ago. first practice since then was last night. Sounded less bright.
Only recorded close miked guitars and vocals so far. They sounded fine. Vocals were done in the corner at the end. Had the singers facing out of the corner into a reflection filter with two quilts on the wall covering the corner behind them. It worked out ok. As the building has other bands in too there was a lot of noise so we could only record loud vocals without getting too much spill when we first tried. We did more quiet vocals late on a saturday night when the place was empty.
Obviously it's never gonna be perfect, but i reckon it'll work out ok. i've recorded in worse places...